The importance of being artistic

There seems to be a feeling in society that art is for children and teens or adults who have grown up artsy kids. This is simply not true. Art is for EVERYBODY. No matter your age of background. I really felt that Mon Studio should issue an official notice that art can be taken up at ANY age.

Learning to make art as an adult can provide a wide range of benefits, including stress relief, improved mental health, and increased creativity. It can also be a fulfilling hobby or career path, allowing individuals to express themselves and explore their interests. Additionally, learning art can enhance ones visual literacy, which is an important skill in our increasingly visually-oriented world.

In case that was not enough to convince you

I have complied 10 reasons why you should learn to create art as an adult.

Creative outlet

Creating art provides a space for self-expression and a way to channel your emotions and thoughts. Art lets us express ourselves and through that expression, we communicate by drawing on our own unique emotions, thoughts and experiences.

Stress relief

Art has been shown to reduce stress levels and promote relaxation. It is such a meditative practice when you permit yourself to just make marks without judgement or expectation. Just consider an artist Like Yayoi Kusama. She attributes her art practice to having kept her mentally stable throughout her life. Art is a powerful outlet that allows you to let go of everyday stress and hardship. The canvas can essentially become your creative punching bag. A place where you can pour out your emotions or simply get lost in the process of creating. Which leads me to my next point.

Lost in paint and brushstokes

The repetitive motion of applying the paint to canvas is so soothing. It helps clear the mind and activates mindfulness.


Making art requires focus and concentration, which helps to develop mindfulness skills. It is a kin to meditation, as you relax and let yourself go. It does not take much to understand this. All you need to do is grab a piece of paper and make a small mark. Then repeat that mark over and over and over. Let your mind go blank and concentrate only on making the mark. As mundane as it sounds this process is rejuvenating and feel like and incredibly powerful mindfulness technique not to mention super unique abstract piece to show off. Considering mindfulness had been proven to improve brain function we are once again lead to the next point.

Improved brain function

Learning new skills, such as drawing or painting, can help stimulate the brain and improve cognitive function. Your brain is a muscle and since we established that art can help increase mindfulness which is a kind of rest for your brain. Now let us see how it can help exercise it. Many people do not realize it but most art methods are simply techniques you can apply to create a desired goal. It is like learning math or how to ride a bike. If you follow the process and practice you will generally have a favourable outcome. It is important to remember that learning these techniques takes time and practice. You would not expect to understand differential calculus in first grade and so be kind to yourself and your progress when learning new skills like drawing and painting. With time and patience you can create like DaVinci!

Increased self-confidence

Creating art can boost self-esteem and provide a sense of accomplishment. When you let yourself create without judgement or expectation you might just produce some pieces that are display worthy. I love to point out to my students, when they feel like they have created a piece they deem “bad” that there is usually a famous modern or contemporary artist out there who made a career of painting just like them. This generally transforms their view of their “bad art” into “Wow I painted like Pollack!” There is no bad art so be proud of your marks and keep going.

Trust me when someone walks into your house and says “Wow! where did you get that painting”, it feels great to say “Oh that old thing? I painted it myself”

Couples who paint together stay together

Why buy a “cheap” canvas from Ikea or Winners when you can create it yourself.

Social connection

This might just be my favourite point. After spending a few years in confinement painting alone I got the idea to start Mon Studio because I was in need of artistic company.. Like minded people to discuss art and paint with. Joining an art group or taking classes can lead to social connections and a sense of community and this is a wonder way to push your art and creativity further by finding inspiration in the work of others.

Making friends at Mon Studio

Grace and Emily met at Mon Studio and have formed the sweetest friendship. Here they are painting Angel and Devil heart paintings that will be stuck together once completed.

Can you guess who is the Angel and who is the Devil?

Personal growth

This is a big one for me personally. I learn so much about myself year after year through the work that I am compelled to create. I can see things about myself in my work that I would never want to tell myself. Art does not lie and my process makes me so self aware and able to improve as a person and artist. Learning to create art can be a journey of self-discovery and personal growth especially when you open yourself up to the process of creation and art making.

Improved communication

Art can be a way to communicate ideas and emotions that are difficult to put into words. Art lets us express ourselves and through that expression, we communicate by drawing on our own unique emotions, thoughts and experiences.

The Mini Critique

We love this little activity at Mon Studio. A simple exercise to help work our communication skills. in a POSITIVE manner. Rules are simple;

  1. Present your painting and talk about what you love about it and if you are not yet finished what you plan on doing with it.

  2. Let your fellow artist share what they love about it and if it were their painting what they would do with it.

Looking at art gives us a window into another’s persons world and creating art you allows others a glimpse i into your windows. This is how art allows for a truly unique way of experiencing empathy. When you see and study another's art, you're seeing the world through their eyes. When you create, you're letting the world see through yours.

Career opportunities

Believe it or not, developing artistic skills can lead to potential career opportunities in fields such as graphic design, illustration, or even fine arts. Just thinking about all those people who started online businesses during covid creating paintings, making jewelry, designing printable and even shaping pottery. All of this is art and people are capitalizing on it!

Fun and enjoyment

Finally the most important point is that creating art is a fun and enjoyable activity that brings joy and fulfillment to your life. The fun is doubled when you do it with family, friends and other like minded individuals. Especially when you join Mon Studio!


I will add a bonus point to this blog! just to entice you a little more to start creating today. If you made it this far you deserve a reward. So mention this blog and tell me what compelled you to book a session with Mon Studio and get 5$ off your first class. (one per person)


Art in Everyday Life: Integrating Creativity into Your Routine


Mon Why!