Hello everyone! I am Zari Kazandjian, the founder and resident artist of Mon Studio. I have been painting and drawing for as long as I can remember.

When I was a child in school, my first grade teacher often caught me hiding behind my desk lid, constantly opening and closing the cover to hide what I was doing from her.

One day she got curious. She made her way over to me without disrupting her lesson. She slowly walked up behind me and grabbed the desk lid, as I went to close it. To her amazement and delight, she saw that I was hiding a drawing of a horse. She called my mother and invited us to her home for tea, where she excitedly told my mom that I would one day become a famous artist and when that day came, she would like to be interviewed.

Now all grown up I can’t help but remember this lovely teacher and the impact she had on my life. Thanks to her I was put on a path to pursue art and now I want to share this with all of you.

- Zari

"The Arts are fundamental resources through which the world is viewed, meaning is created, and the mind developed.  To neglect the contribution of the Arts in education, either through inadequate time, resources, or poorly trained teachers, is to deny children access to one of the most stunning aspects of their culture and one of the most potent means for developing their minds."
    - Elliot W. Eisner, Professor of Education and Art,
      Stanford University