Zari Kazandjian Zari Kazandjian

A look at Portraiture

At Mon Studio Art we will be beginning out Fall season creating fun portraits with a twist from art history during our Term art classes. So, it seemed fitting to write a blog post looking back at the history and impact of portrature in art.

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Zari Kazandjian Zari Kazandjian

How to take a kids to a museum

Visiting a museum with kids, especially one with a more formal atmosphere, might feel like a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be! Museums and galleries around the world can be incredibly enriching and enjoyable for children of all ages when approached with a sense of fun and curiosity.

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Zari Kazandjian Zari Kazandjian

Art education in the class room

In an era where educational priorities are continuously shifting, the arts often find themselves relegated to the sidelines. This trend is particularly concerning when we consider the vital role that art plays in the development of creativity and critical thinking. With many schools leaving art education to homeschool teachers—many of whom lack formal training in the arts—the need for a more structured and comprehensive art curriculum has never been more apparent.

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Zari Kazandjian Zari Kazandjian

The Healing Brushstroke:

How art is a tool Mindfulness. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where stress and anxiety often seem like constant companions, the power of art and creativity in promoting self-care and mental health cannot be overstated. Regardless of age, engaging in creative activities has the remarkable ability to soothe the mind, unlock emotions, and contribute significantly to our overall sense of wellbeing.

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Zari Kazandjian Zari Kazandjian

Calming Power of Art

For children bursting with energy, engaging in artistic activities provides a much-needed outlet for self-expression and emotional release. Whether it's painting, drawing, sculpting, or even dancing and acting, art offers a safe space for children to channel their boundless enthusiasm into creative endeavors. Through art, they can explore their emotions, express their thoughts, and unleash their imagination in ways that may not be possible through traditional sports alone.

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Zari Kazandjian Zari Kazandjian

Mon Why!

Mon Why!

The reason behind the studio.

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